Friday, December 24, 2010

Captain does Hamilton

In preparation for a long jaunt in Africa I thought I'd do a bit of prep by heading to... Hamilton!  Hamilton's got a lot to offer, including the best cafe of NZ in 2010 and my favorite Velo Espresso where I picked up yet another spare tire and in a typically NZ way ran into Matt from my class at school who created the place. One of the customers in the shop raved about the quality his mechanic skills and general all-round-good-guy-ness.  I'd recommend that if you are ever in Hamilton with a bike problem or just need a coffee you check him out. Long live the new cafe-cum-workshop genre!

Travelling by plane with bike meant some good practise in boxing and unboxing Captain. See if you can figure out what I did wrong in the following photo. I only realised when I got on to ride.

Aside from the cafe culture other spots on my Hamilton hitlist of fun include the Riff Raff Cam, the botanical gardens, and the Taitua Arboretum which is surprisingly overrun by a wide variety of free range chickens who would love to get to know you better.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, fork the wrong way around, nice one :) You're looking pretty cool on all the mechanical pictures though, handy woman!
